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Beginner (★☆☆☆☆)
Lv.01 | Rhythm
Lv.02 | Fills
Beginner (★★☆☆☆)
Lv.03 | 8beat
Lv.04 | HH open & closed
Lv.05 | Half time time
Lv.06 | Play without sheet
Intermediate (★★★☆☆)
Lv.07 | Snare Variation Rhythm
Lv.08 | Fast 8Beat Rhythm
Lv.09 | Various Rhythm
Lv.10 | Triplet
Lv.11 | 12beat Rhythm
Lv.12 | 16Beat Rhythm
Lv.13 | One-hand 16Beat
Lv.14 | Adv. 8beat
Lv.15 | Adv. 16beat
Lv.16 | 4 Beat
Lv.17 | Adv. 12Beat
Lv.18 | 8beat Shuffle
Lv.19 | 16Beat Shuffle
Lv.20 | 6&12 Shuffle
Pop (Latest)
Pop (old)
Pop (★☆☆☆☆)
Lv.01 | Rhythm (POP)
Lv.02 | Fills (POP)
Pop (★★☆☆☆)
Lv.03 | 8beat(POP)
Lv.04 | HH open (POP)
Lv.05 | Half Time (POP)
Lv.06 | without Sheet (POP)
Pop (★★★☆☆)
Lv.07 | Snare Variation (POP)
Lv.08 | Fast 8beat (POP)
Lv.09 | Various Rhythm (POP)
Lv.10 | Triplet (POP)
Lv.11 | 12beat Rhythm (POP)
Lv.12 | 16beat Rhythm (POP)
Pop (★★★★☆)
Lv.13 | One-hand 16beat (POP)
Lv.14 | Adv. 8beat (POP)
Lv.15 | Adv. 16beat (POP)
Lv.16 | 4beat (POP)
Lv.17 | Adv.12beat (POP)
Lv.18 | 8beat Shuffle (POP)
Lv.19 | 16beat Shuffle (POP)
Lv.20 | 12beat Shuffle (POP)
Pop (★★★★★)
K-pop (New)
K-pop (Old)
K-pop (★☆☆☆☆)
Lv.01 | Rhythm (Kpop)
Lv.02 | Fills (Kpop)
K-pop (★★☆☆☆)
Lv.03 | 8beat (Kpop)
Lv.04 | HH open (Kpop)
Lv.05 | Half Time (Kpop)
Lv.06 | Without (Kpop)
K-pop (★★★☆☆)
Lv.07 | Snare Variation (Kpop)
Lv.08 | Fast 8beat (Kpop)
Lv.09 | Various Rhythm (Kpop)
Lv.10 | Triplet (Kpop)
Lv.11 | 12beat (Kpop)
Lv.12 | 16beat (Kpop)
K-pop (★★★★☆)
Lv.13 | One-hand 16beat (Kpop)
Lv.14 | Adv. 8beat (Kpop)
Lv.15 | Adv. 16beat (Kpop)
Lv.16 | 4beat (Kpop)
Lv.17 | Adv. 12beat (Kpop)
Lv.18 | 8beat Shuffle (Kpop)
Lv.19 | 16beat Shuffle (Kpop)
Lv.20 | 12beat Shuffle (Kpop)
K-pop (★★★★★)
Gospel (Korean)
Gospel (English)
Gospel (★☆☆☆☆)
Lv.01 | Rhythm (Gospel)
Lv.02 | Fills (Gospel)
Gospel (★★☆☆☆)
Lv.03 | 8beat (Gospel)
Lv.04 | HH open (Gospel)
Lv.05 | Half Time (Gospel)
Lv.06 | Without (Gospel)
Gospel (★★★☆☆)
Lv.07 | Snare Variation (Gospel)
Lv.08 | Fast 8beat (Gospel)
Lv.09 | Various Rhythm (Gospel)
Lv.10 | Triplet (Gosple)
Lv.11 | 12beat (Gospel)
Lv.12 | 16beat (Gospel)
Gospel (★★★★☆)
Lv.13 | One-hand 16beat (Gospel)
Lv.14 | Adv. 8beat (Gospel)
Lv.15 | Adv. 16beat (Gospel)
Lv.16 | 4beat (Gospel)
Lv.17 | Adv. 12beat (Gospel)
Lv.18 | 8beat Shuffle (Gospel)
Lv.19 | 16beat Shuffle (Gospel)
Lv.20 | 12beat Shuffle (Gospel)
Gospel (★★★★★)
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